Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Extreme Cuts....Here I come....

Hey dear friends, well after months of agonizing over my ridiculous job at the Hair Salon... I loved the people but the pay was ridiculous and I am so sorry girls, but I am just not the mani/pedi kind of girl. Those of you who encouraged me to leave thank you sooooo much, a little peer pressure never did a girl any harm! So, I start at my new shop this Sunday and I just wanted to let you know I will follow up with my complete schedule but if ya need a cut, color, whatever please let me know - I specialize in Japanese Hair Straightening too - and I have dabbled in extensions a little and I will be being certified so If ya need some hollywood hair - by all means please give me a call after May!


Jeff said...

I'm going to repeat and say "I want an extreme hair cut!" lol sorry. Oh and I'm wondering what Japanese hair straightening is. Please enlighten me. Thanks!

Amy said...

I didn't know you were going to a different place!! Very cool for you!

michelle said...

its ABOUT freakin time!